On our third day, David caught a decent sized Walleye that we ate for dinner that evening. If you've ever eaten fish on the same day it's caught, you'll agree you can't beat the taste as a result of that freshness. Same with chicken, vegetables, fruit...everything really (except wine). Anyway, the next day as I was writing in my journal, I found myself writing this request to the Lord...
"Lord, we're going fishing again later this afternoon and I'd really like to catch this evening's dinner. I know David is the better fisherman, but I'd like to be The Man for tonight's grub..."
Just a simple, yet direct request. Within our first fifteen minutes on the water, David reels in this beautiful Northern Pike that he proceeds to immediately throw back into Lake La Croix. Later, he would kick himself for doing this. For the next hour, we proceed to make cast after cast without hardly a nibble. As the sun is continuing to set, David proceeds to pull his line out of the water and begins slowly paddling our canoe back toward Tiger Bay - location of our campsite for the week. I wasn't quite ready to hang it up for the evening so I told David I would continue casting a few more minutes which he more than welcomed. My frustration was continuing to increase with each fish-less cast and I began reminding the Lord of my journal entry request. "Lord, I know you're able to provide a fish...if you want to." Nothing. "We're running out of time here Lord." Nothing. "Yes, we still have peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and beef jerky but..." Nothing. "Lord?"
And then at the peak of my frustration...BANG! FISH ON!!
David nearly fell over with excitement as I reeled in a beauty of a fish. But not just a fish, another Walleye which we both prefer to eat and is much easier to fillet. But not just any Walleye, one that was bigger than the night before and perfect for the two of us hungry men. And it came just in time.
When I later told David what I had written in my journal earlier that day, he realized why he must have thrown that Northern Pike back. Normally, he would have kept that fish until we caught something better. This is why he briefly beat himself up, wondering why he would do such a thing. God was teaching us a lesson in provision on this day.
As I was apologizing to the Lord for the impatient, souring attitude I had pre-catch, I felt Him gently say to me...
"CJ, this is just a fish (which I own by the way). I'm your Provider. I'm your Source. I'll take care of you and Shelley. I'll come through, trust Me. Lean on Me as you take this next step in the journey."
Yes this was just a fish. But this fish was used to teach me a HUGE lesson and encourage me in my faith and trust in the God of this universe. The God who enjoys giving His children good gifts that cause them to practically fall out of their canoe due to excitement! Reminds me of this little nugget...
“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him." - Matthew 7:9-11
Did I mention how tasty that fish was?
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